Living with Grief: Walking the spiral
Living with Grief: Walking the spiral offers, not prescriptions, but personal stories from people who discovered that, on some days, it felt as though they are taking one step forward and two steps backwards. On other occasions, they gradually realised that the heart-stopping pain was fitting into a perspective which allowed some form of normality to reassert itself. In using real stories from real people, the book offers the reader the opportunity to sense that their unique sense of loss is shared by others: they are not alone and that there is light at the end of the dark tunnel of grief. The language of Living with Grief: Walking the spiral has nothing of the academic about it although the book is undoubtedly well researched. Instead, it is intensely personal and conversational in style. Throughout the book, Bairbre Cahill is talking to and accompanying the reader along a path which she herself has walked.
Sr Janet Fearns in Independent Catholic News
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Family Spirituality - God among the pots and pans
This is an attractive and colourful production in the style that we have come to expect from Redemptorist Publications. In this book the author focuses on the family and domestic church and her role as a parent. In addressing parents she writes: 'This is not a project to put God at the heart of your life as a family - God is already there - but to help you to recognise, name and celebrate God's presence.' Parents will find this work easy to read either alone or as members of a book club. Family Spirituality could also be used as a resource for parents taking part in sacramental preparation programmes.
-Patrick Farragher, The Furrow
How to be a Catholic Godparent
This A4 28 page book is typical of the Redemptorist charism of explaining what being a Catholic means in a way that is informative, supportive and does not dumb down our Faith and practices. The potential Catholic Godparent finds out what is expected, and is encouraged to take this opportunity to develop their own relationship with God. We are taken through the Sacrament of Baptism step by step; we hear from parents, Godparents and the Godchildren about their feelings. There are suitable prayers, web links and suggestions as to how Godparents can help their Godchildren as they grow up. The Godparent is not an honorary or social appointment. We clergy have probably become too lax ourselves when Godparents are mentioned; this booklet will give us all who are involved in a baby's Baptism, the confidence to restore this ministry within the Church.
-J.Nicholas Latham
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