Below I offer a flavour of the type of work that I do but feel free to contact me to discuss what you are looking for. A programme can be developed to cater specifically to the needs of your group. Evening, full-day and weekend workshops can be arranged depending on what suits your group.
In the Parish
Development, formation and reflection for Parish Pastoral Councils
Training and reflection for:
Ministers of the Word
Ministers of the Eucharist
Baptism Preparation Teams
Children’s Liturgy Teams
Parish Finance Committees
Bereavement Support/Bethany Groups
Training of parent-leaders for parish based sacramental preparation programmes
Facilitation of sessions with parents/guardians of children preparing for sacraments
Growing in faith and spirituality
Family Spirituality – God among the pots and pans: exploring how our experience of family life can be an encounter with God
Praying with Scripture:
Lectio Divina
Ignatian Contemplation
Developing a discerning heart: becoming aware of the presence and action of God in our daily lives
Active discipleship – being a ministering parish
The wonderful everyday – deepening our understanding of the sacraments of the Church through recognising the sacramental reality of our ordinary lives
The tapestry – exploring the threads that form our spirituality
Living with Grief – walking the spiral: A workshop exploring how we integrate the experience of loss into our lives and learn to live again. (Please note this is not a counselling or therapy workshop.)
Exploring ethos in Catholic Schools with:
Boards of Management
school communities
Day of reflection for children in National School
preparing for Reconciliation/First Eucharist/Confirmation
preparing to leave primary school
Days of reflection for secondary school students:
Exploring Mercy
Looking to the future
Active discipleship
Are you looking for a facilitator?